
Swt Mel ♪ Subber
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Pengu last won the day on January 1 2018

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About Pengu

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    Melukia's heart

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  1. Merry Christmas! :3 Stay positive (:
  2. Message Form Username: Pengu Name(optional): Message(200characters max : Happy birthday Jiyoung! I love you <333
  3. There isn't any news since the outbreak of this matter but no matter what the outcome is, we have to support and cherish them like always, making them feel the KAMILIA love radiating towards them, haha. Also, its great to hear about them since their last release with 'In Love', with Gyuri participating with From The Airport at a recent event, Hara in a pictorial just a few weeks back .. Let's have hope in them and not give up! (:
  4. 2013? I can't exactly remember (my poor memory, sigh) but I knew KARA from Seungyeon. This group with hit songs, what are they called, KARA, yeah. So I took an interest in KARA and created an account here
  5. Their gorgeous bodies #bodygoals
  6. Cupid sounds great! I can't wait to grab hold of their album :3