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About Rini

  • Birthday 03/05/1995

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  1. I got jiyoung! ~You're JiYoung. You tend to get angry easily and snap at people. You're more uptight than the others but they love you anyways.~ This description they put actually does sound like me....
  2. i was starting to become a fan of SS501 and I watched their intimiate note episode with KARA. The girls were very funny and when I found out they were from the same company, I decided to search up their songs.Then, it was also the maknae rebellion episode where key and jinwoon talked to nicole that made me more interested in the group, I became a fan during their Lupin comeback ...actually, right on the day, Lupin was released.
  3. I'm a Kamilia because...: 1) The Intimate Note episode w/ SS501 2) Still together after everything they've been through 3) They're the one and only KARA! 4) funny personalities 5) they're just AWESOME!
  4. i think i'm pure kamilia ...they are the only korean girl group that i actually like and have on ipod i'm not usually a big listener of girl groups, korean, japanese or other (I've tried listening to others but it never lasted) so KARA is the exception!
  5. .......i don't see how the picture looks suspicious or makes them look like couple... they just look like really close friends... although if they do have a different type of relationship, they are very cute together!!
  6. the media is sad, always trying to catch something.... its like the whole why can't guys and girls just be friends without everyone else assuming they'll date...
  7. oh this seems interesting. looking forward to seeing KARA back on the music shows!!
  8. ...agreed cover C is pretty ...i think compared to all their japan albums covers, the design for version and B of this one aren't that creative. although i think its good that the album has a few already released singles cuz now they'll all be in one album and we won't have to buy a bunch of singles ...even if it only has 4 new songs. ~hope this album does well!~
  9. wow i never thought they sang so much when they first started out Kara has worked so hard....sunghee had such a beautiful voice! the santa clause is coming to town one was so cute!
  10. this remix is so awesome, i heard it on this kara fanblog but i didn't know where to find it love it ..thanks for sharing!
  11. just saw the preview today and i really can't wait for jan 14 to come fast enough! although the fact that they will be acting as themselves, i usually don't like watching those kinds of things it sound like a dramatized variety show after seeing the preview i changed my mind.....now i really want to see!
  12. they are all so pretty jiyoung is just like her sister! ...her family must have good genes!
  13. i saw the first half of this ep but i want to see the other half when they go shopping(?) i think i love it when seungyeon was purposely saying stuff about jinwoon and nicole...those two are so cute!
  14. haha i loved the part of maknae idol rebellion....it was really funny i think nicole and jinwoon are cute together